Together at COHSS

"Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another." (Hebrews 10:25)

Bible Study - Fellowship - Prayer Support

Join our family of small groups

Small groups are an excellent way to discover the truth in God's Word and how it applies to our lives. They are also a great way to make lasting friendships.

"Uncommon Threads" - Meeting every other Monday evening. Knitting and fellewship.
(Visit and join the "Uncommon Threads at COHSS" Facebook Group Page to learn more.)
"SEEK" (SpiritSong East End Konnection) - Bible study each week on Wednesdays at 7:00pm at COHSS.
"The Circle-A Time of Prayer" - Wednesdays at 6:15pm and Sundays at 9:00am at COHSS.
"CrossRoad" Bible Study - Boynton Beach Group meeting every Tuesday at 7:15pm.
(Visit and join the "CrossRoad Homegroup" Facebook Group Page to learn more.)
"Upper Room" - Meeting monthly on Saturdays. For time(s) and location contact

Often our small groups meet in someone's home or in a restaurant or coffee house. To join or visit a group, or for more information on locations and times contact or call (954) 533-9205. 



2038 N. Dixie Hwy, 102
Wilton Manors, FL 33305


(954) 533-9205



P.O. Box 23306
Oakland Park, FL 33307